Travel to Cuba May Soon Become Reality for Americans

President Barack Obama announced he agreed to talks of normalizing relations between to the two countries

Traveling to Cuba may be a reality for some Americans after President Barack Obama announced he agreed to talks of normalizing relations between to the two countries.

A majority of Americans want better relations, want to be able to travel there, want to be able to trade there. Indeed, a majority of Cuban Americans who were polled feel the same way.

Congressman Jim McGovern said Obama's move was gutsy and courageous. It could allow citizens to take direct flights from the states to Cuba for the first time over 50 years.

"I think what he's going to do basically is pretty much grant almost anyone who wants to get a license to anyone who wants to go," said McGovern.

Congressman McGovern says more information will be released on the White House website in the weeks to come. People have already expressed interest in making Cuba a destination--TripAdvisor says the company site traffic to Cuba spiked 293% since the announcement. Local travel agencies are seeing the same results.

"Cuba has the romantic, historic appeal to it. Its going to a really different destination and I think it's going to sell," said Leia Haggart if Colpitts World Travel. 

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