Mysterious Woman Steals 100 Pounds of Tomatoes

What would you do with 100 pounds of tomatoes? That's the question frequent shoppers of Waltham Community Field Farm are asking this weekend.

"I don't know what she could possibly be doing with 100 pounds of tomatoes. That's insane," said Sean Peachey, a farmer's market shopper. "I don't even know what I would do with three pounds of tomatoes. I mean, salads and pizza, maybe stuff like that?"

The value of the tomatoes stolen is an estimated $500. It's the third year in a row it's happened at the farm. No one seems to know who this woman is that was caught red-handed on camera after hours on Labor Day Weekend. She was wearing the same gray Boston T-shirt she was wearing last year on their security tape.

Pamela Perini their security consultant said the farm feeds the needy in Waltham.

"They are involved in many programs throughout the community that do feed those in need," said Perini.

Waltham police posted a witty Instagram post in an effort to get the community to help identify the suspect.

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