Reports of Sea Lice at Connecticut Beaches

Residents have reported the return of sea lice at the state's beaches, according to media reports. 

The Greenwich Health Department is urging people to take precautions against sea lice when visiting beaches, officials told News 12 Connecticut.

Health officials said there hasn't been a large number of sea lice cases reported, but they're still urging residents to remove their bathing suits and shower after being at the beach, News 12 Connecticut reports. 

Signs and symptoms of sea lice include tingling, burning, itchy skin, small reddish pimples and small blisters, according to the CDC. 

According to the Greenwich Time, sea lice is a common name for larval thimble jellyfish, that are small enough to wedge underneath bathing suits. 

It is not clear, so far, all the beaches affected, however, lifeguards at Greenwich beaches said they received reports from swimmers with sea lice stings earlier in the week, according to the newspaper.

The jellyfish are about the size of a pin-head and transparent, making them difficult to spot in the water, experts told Greenwich Time. 

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