Cold Weather Tips: Battery-killing, Pipe-freezing Weather This Week for Some

A shot of cold, arctic air blasts into New England this week - cold on Tuesday night, but even colder Wednesday night, when temperatures drop below zero for much of Northern New England and into the single digits south.  Some cold weather tips for one and all, but especially Northern New England residents...

  • Check Car Battery:  The intense cold expected, especially in Northern New England, will be sufficient to kill weaker car batteries - some Tuesday night, but many more Wednesday night.  So, if you know your battery is weak, getting it replaced or having the charger/jumper cables handy both nights and early mornings is advised!
  • Prevent Frozen Pipes:  For those with seasonal homes or four-season homes that water is still active in, be sure to have the heat turned up enough to avoid frozen pipes in the coming days.  Keep in mind that the heat may have stopped working over the last week or two if the place hasn't been checked on.
  • Dress in Layers:  Dressing in multiple layers can keep you warmer than just putting on a heavy coat.  For those who work in the metropolitan areas of New England, and only spend time walking from the home to the car, to the office and back to the car, it can become habit not to bring winter gear with you - keep in mind that a break-down or flat tire in this weather would leave you very cold on the side of the road if you don't have proper winter weather clothing!
  • Remember your Pets!  Bring them into the warmth, keep pets hydrated.
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