Logan Airport Survives Storm

With 100,000 travelers passing through, Logan International Airport officials are relieved that much of the snow and freezing rain have stayed well west of Boston.

Wednesday was shaping up as a worst-of-all-worlds day for Logan International Airport - a crush of more than 100,000 pre-Thanksgiving travelers coming through at the same time as a wet snowstorm.

But by 4 p.m., with precipitation remaining rain and only a few dozen flights cancelled, many travelers were happily surprised.

"It's not as crowded as I thought it would be," said Olivia Mason, a Boston University student flying home to Sun Valley, Idaho.

Christina Knight of Boston, heading to see her mother south of Buffalo, agreed: "I was expecting more lines, but it doesn't look too bad, so that's a good thing."

The Massachusetts Port Authority's flylogan.com website showed only a handful of cancellations, including several Delta Boston-New York shuttle flights, and a few dozen delayed flights. Massport had been encouraging passengers to get to the airport 2 1/2 hours before flight departure time. "We don't think we're going to get a lot of snow," Freni said.

With videographer Jeff Gerber

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