Wednesday was shaping up as a worst-of-all-worlds day for Logan International Airport - a crush of more than 100,000 pre-Thanksgiving travelers coming through at the same time as a wet snowstorm.
But by 4 p.m., with precipitation remaining rain and only a few dozen flights cancelled, many travelers were happily surprised.
"It's not as crowded as I thought it would be," said Olivia Mason, a Boston University student flying home to Sun Valley, Idaho.
Christina Knight of Boston, heading to see her mother south of Buffalo, agreed: "I was expecting more lines, but it doesn't look too bad, so that's a good thing."
The Massachusetts Port Authority's website showed only a handful of cancellations, including several Delta Boston-New York shuttle flights, and a few dozen delayed flights. Massport had been encouraging passengers to get to the airport 2 1/2 hours before flight departure time. "We don't think we're going to get a lot of snow," Freni said.
With videographer Jeff Gerber