The Peace Garden State offers an idyllic lifestyle and friendly regulation. But there's far to go on access to capital.
Economic Profile
Governor: Doug Burgum, Republican
Population: 765,309
GDP growth (Q1 2021): 7.6%
Unemployment rate (May 2021): 4.0%
Top corporate tax rate: 4.31%
Money Report
Top individual income tax rate: 2.90%
Gasoline tax: 23 cents/gallon
Bond rating (Moody's/S&P): Aa1, stable/AA+, stable
Major private employers: Sanford-Health, MDU Resources Group
Economic profile sources: U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Federation of Tax Administrators, American Petroleum Institute (excluding 18.40 cent/gallon federal tax), Moody's Investor Service, S&P Global Market Intelligence
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