North Dakota

18. North Dakota

18. North Dakota

The Peace Garden State offers an idyllic lifestyle and friendly regulation. But there's far to go on access to capital.

Economic Profile

Governor: Doug Burgum, Republican

Population: 765,309

GDP growth (Q1 2021): 7.6%

Unemployment rate (May 2021): 4.0%

Top corporate tax rate: 4.31%

Top individual income tax rate: 2.90%

Gasoline tax: 23 cents/gallon

Bond rating (Moody's/S&P): Aa1, stable/AA+, stable

Major private employers: Sanford-Health, MDU Resources Group

Economic profile sources: U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Federation of Tax Administrators, American Petroleum Institute (excluding 18.40 cent/gallon federal tax), Moody's Investor Service, S&P Global Market Intelligence

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