
Cloud Nine: Couple Marries on Hot Air Balloon in Extra-Socially Distant Wedding

"The balloon gods are in your favor"

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Planning a wedding in 2020 is difficult, but the way this New Hampshire couple eloped in August takes social distancing to the next level.

Ryan and Christina Quigley got married in a hot air balloon, an idea Christina said she got from a TV show: “Something popped up of a hot air balloon ride and I was like, ‘Do they do that?’ I’m like, ‘Is that in New Hampshire? Do people get married in hot air balloons?’”

The couple decided to elope, since it is almost impossible to coordinate schedules when a slight change in weather can mess with plans -- which happened on the day they set out to be hitched.

“We ended up getting the okay at 2 o’clock. The guy was like, ‘The balloon gods are in your favor,’” Christina said. Watch the video above for the rest of their story.

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