(NECN: Katelyn Tivnan, Boston) – Investigators still don't know what caused Wednesday’s nine-alarm deadly fire in the city’s Back Bay neighborhood. On Saturday, the memorial grew outside the engine 33 firehouse in Boston for firefighters Lt. Ed Walsh and Michael Kennedy.
Detail officers are waiting to hear if the building is safe enough to gain access so they can begin their investigation from inside the building. Neighboring properties are also off limits at this time.
Investigators from the Boston Police Department, Fire Department, and the District Attorney’s office have been on scene since the fatal blaze.
“We’re actively investigating,” said Boston Police Commissioner William Evans. “It happened Wednesday. I don’t think they’ve stopped for one minute yet, trying to determine the cause. And, hopefully, someone will find out what caused this fatal blaze.”
Investigators say it appears the fire began in the basement of the building, making the building’s oil furnace and heating system potential causes.
The investigation could take weeks or months to complete.
If you are interested in donating to the memorial fund supporting the families of Lt. Walsh and Firefighter Kennedy, you can do so here, or by mailing a check to the fund here:
Lieutenant Walsh -
Firefighter Kennedy Memorial Fund
Boston Firefighters Credit
60 Hallet Street
Dorchester, MA 02124