Winter Weather Causes Headaches in Morning Commute

(NECN: Jackie Bruno, Lexington, Mass.) - The snow kept piling up in Lexington, Mass. on Wednesday morning. Since 5:30 a.m., New Englanders saw an inch an hour - and, of course, that means headaches for the morning commute.

"This is nothing for us," one New Englander said.

But even nothing is something when it happens during the morning commute. At the Lexington rest stop on Rt. 128 North, one can see the accumulation on the tables… so that means it's also sticking to the roads.

"They're pretty bad. It's pretty bad out. It's building up fast," said Barry Savard of Tyngsboro, Mass.

"It is pretty slippery even with the accumulation only being an inch or two. It's pretty slick," Kevin Sheehan of Burlington said.

But even though it can be a hassle on the roads, snow means big business for the McDonalds workers inside.

"We do have a lot of truckers and pretty soon when the snow starts building up we get a lot of DPW workers. Everybody comes through, meets here, so we have a high amount of traffic in the snow," Joe Souza of Arlington said.

He said coffee keeps these drivers warm. Others were a little more comfortable in the cold weather.

"I'm going to the gym. Yeah I've got a 100-foot walk from my car to the gym," said one hearty New Englander.

"If you live the southern states or Florida it just gets boring, this gives you the variety of life," Larry Ganski of Lakeville, Mass. said.

It's never boring in New England… unless one is driving down Rt. 128 southbound during rush hour in a snow storm.

"If they can stay home, I would," Sheehan said.

State officials say - for those who must go out - drivers should make sure to allow extra time to go slow and deal with any delays on the roads.

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