New Hampshire

UNH Expert to Give Talk on Growing Kiwiberries, a Small Cousin of the Kiwi

University of New Hampshire Stock
Mike Ross/UNH Photography

A University of New Hampshire expert on kiwiberries is going to give a crop overview, best production practices and information on market potential on the grape-sized fruit.

The Kiwiberry Breeding and Research Development program is the first of its kind in the nation.

Will Hastings, vineyard manager and research technician of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station's program, will give a discussion on Saturday at the NOFA-NH Winter Conference at Kearsarge Regional High School in North Sutton.

The tropical-tasting, smooth-skinned relative of the fuzzy supermarket kiwi has been grown in backyards and private gardens in the region for more than 140 years, but isn't commercially produced.

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