A 33-year-old Limington, Maine man was arrested after authorities discovered an alleged meth lab in his home when they conducted a bail compliance check.
Andrew Sweeney was arrested Wednesday following the compliance check at his Hemlock Lane home, where authorities say items commonly used to make methamphetamine were found. The suspect was released on bail earlier this month following a drug possession charge.
After the discovery, police contacted the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency to for assistance.
A lab team processed the scene and discovered five active, one-pot meth labs inside Sweeney’s home, according to the Maine Department of Public Safety. Forty inactive meth lab containers were also found in a shed on the suspect’s property.
Sweeney was arrested and taken to York County Jail on Wednesday. He was charged with unlawful operation of a methamphetamine laboratory and is scheduled to appear in York District Court on Monday.