
Here Are the Key Results of Massachusetts' Local Elections

Fifty-eight cities and towns in the Bay State held municipal elections on Tuesday

Voters in Massachusetts took to the polls Tuesday, electing leaders to office and weighing in on questions in municipal elections. 

In Boston, voters elected the city's most diverse city council ever. Incumbents Michelle Wu, Michael Flaherty and Annissa Essaibi George were re-elected to at-large council seats.   

Julia Mejia beat Alejandra Nicole Stguillen for the fourth at-large seat by a mere 10 votes. St. Guillen, however, has called for a citywide recount, the Boston Globe reported.

According to the city's website, Lydia Edwards, Edward Flynn, Frank Baker, Andrea Campbell, Ricardo Arroyo, Matt O'Malley, Kim Janey, Priscilla Kenzie Bok and Liz Beadon all won seats on the council.  

Boston voters also rejected a non-binding question about whether to rename Dudley Square to Nubian Square. More than 54% of the nearly 53,000 voters said the name should not be changed.

Meanwhile, in Worcester, Joseph Petty was re-elected as mayor, according to

Incumbent Mayor Domenic Sarno held 77% of the votes in Springfield’s race, defeating challenger Yolanda Cancel. 

Mayor Joseph Curtatone was re-elected in Somerville. City councilor Breanna Lungo-Koehn was elected as the new mayor of Medford, taking incumbent Stephanie Muccini Burke’s seat.

In Fall River, Paul Coogan defeated embattled Fall River Mayor Jasiel Correia, who faces a slew of charges after two arrests.

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