Does Bernie Sanders still see a path to victory?
Sanders says "the short, three-letter answer is Y-E-S," and he'd like reporters to please stop asking him when his campaign will end.
While visiting workers at the Iron Workers Local 7 headquarters in Boston Monday afternoon, Sanders pledged to stay in the Democratic nomination fight with Hillary Clinton for a long, state-by-state slog.
Sanders noted that while he lost Nevada, he came away with nearly as many delegates as Clinton, saying the difference is "not so important" in the quest to 2,400 delegates needed to win the nomination.
Sanders says he hopes to win in Massachusetts on March 1, the day of the Super Tuesday contests.
Around 7 p.m., Sanders will hold a rally at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Meantime, Sanders' supporters Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, the duo behind Vermont-based Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream are in Boston to serve up free "Bernie's Yearning" sundaes outside of their Newbury Street store. They'll also be participating in an ice cream rally at the Middle East in Cambridge.
Super Tuesday, a day on which several states hold their primaries, including Massachusetts, will take place on March 1.