Police: Dashcam Footage Shows Wrong-Way Drunk Driver

Police released dashcam footage of a car whose driver was arrested on drunk driving charges early Saturday morning in Upton, Massachusetts.

It's a scary look at who we are sometimes sharing the roads with, and how police crack down on alleged drunk drivers.

The footage shows a car on the wrong side of the road around 1:30 a.m. The officer begins following the car after it makes an stop at an intersection of Milford Street.

After the officer turns his lights on, at some point, the driver ventures back on to the right side of the road, even remembering to use his blinker.

Upton's Police chief told necn this is the department's third OUI arrest this week, and that less than a year ago, there was a serious drunk driving crash near that intersection that injured a family of four.

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Upton Police

The driver, 26-year-old Christian Cugini of Hopedale, was arrested and charged with OUI, speeding and a lane violation. He was released on bail and will be arraigned Monday in Milford District Court.

Later Saturday, another suspect was charged with an OUI in Upton after a car went off the road and into the mud.

Upton 2 040916
Upton Police

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