Meet The Patriots Fan Club of Arizona

Club is made up of 380 members

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell spoke about the Super Bowl on Friday.

There were local fans hanging out who can't wait for the big game.

The Patriots Fan Club of Arizona, founded in 1997, was out in full force.

"Go Pats! Right on," said Jill Little, who is from East Hartland, Connecticut, now living in Phoenix.

That's the most common phrase inside Toso's Sports Bar & Grill in Phoenix.

It's little watering hole a few hundred football fields away from downtown, where, if you're in the right colors, you can stay as long as you like.

When asked if Seahawks fans are allowed in the bar, Patriots Fan Club of Arizona President Rob Legge said, "They're more than welcome. They just need to behave."

Most of these Patriots are Ex-Pats, snowbirds from New England, including Little.

It's the home of the Patriots Fan Club of Arizona, complete with jerseys, banners, even a piece of Fenway lore.

Bloomfield, Connecticut, native Dave Dilettoso is the owner. Toso's for short.

"Everybody from Arizona's from somewhere else and a lot of them are from New England, so it's a big club," Dilettoso said.

"I was in Hull at Point Allerton Coast Guard Station. And then I was on the cutter Hamilton out of Boston harbor. That made me a Pats fan," Legge added.

He says the fan club is 380 paying members strong, a place you want to go where everybody knows your name.

"I don't know if you're aware, but not everybody is a huge Patriots fan so when you get together with like minded people and the people are so nice, I've made so many new friends," Little added.

Toso's will host a Patriots Pep Rally Saturday from noon to 10 p.m. local time.

The Patriots cheerleaders will visit and the club is raising money for the Patriots Foundation. 

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