No Bail for Plumber Charged in 1993 Murder With Former Mafia Boss

U.S. Magistrate Judge Donald Cabell ordered 61-year-old Paul Weadick held on Wednesday in Boston federal court

A Massachusetts plumber charged in the 1993 murder of a south Boston nightclub owner along with former New England Mafia boss Francis "Cadillac Frank" Salemme has been denied bail. 

The Boston Globe reports U.S. Magistrate Judge Donald Cabell ordered 61-year-old Paul Weadick held on Wednesday in Boston federal court. 

Cabell wrote in his detention order that the Burlington man would likely flee and "pose a risk of harm to the public" if he was released. 

Assistant U.S. Attorney Fred Wyshak argued at a hearing last week that Weadick is a violent man with ties to high-profile mobsters who could aid his escape or intimidate witnesses. 

Weadick and Salemme each pleaded not guilty to the murder of 43-year-old Steven DiSarro to prevent him from testifying against Salemme and his son.

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