Students at Charles Sumner School shared their thoughts about the devastating arson incident that occured in their playground on May 23.
In a ceremony at the school, students also thanking first responders for all their efforts to try and save their beloved playground.
"I'm sad the play structure was set on fire," said one student.
Another student said, "Thank you for saving our school from the fire. We know that you have a dangerous job."
The students also have a message of thanks to the community and local businesses who have stepped up to help, as they look forward to more good things to come.
Commissioner William Evans said, "Hopefully when you come back to school in the fall you will have an even bigger and better playground."
"This is such a teachable moment... The children are so excited," said Frances Campbell.
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Three people are facing charges in connection to the destruction of the playground. The school has received more than $60,000 in donations.