New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan Apologizes for Keeping Teacher on Supporter List

Gov. Maggie Hassan is apologizing for not removing a former prep school teacher who has admitted to sexual misconduct from her public supporter list during her 2012 campaign.

Rick Schubart was forced to resign from Phillips Exeter academy in 2011 after he admitted to the misconduct in the 1970s. Hassan's husband, Thomas, was principal of the school at the time. Hassan says she sensed something was wrong when Schubart "abruptly" left campus but did not know specifics of his case. The details of Schubart's departure first became publicly known last week when the school alerted alumni.

Hassan listed him as a supporter before and after he left and accepted donations from him.

She now says she should have reviewed her support list and removed him.

Hassan, a Democrat, is running for U.S. Senate. 

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