November 13, 2015 is “Odd Day”

11/13/15 is "Odd Day"

November 13, 2015 or 11/13/15 is "Odd Day."

It is a rare occurrence for three consecutive odd numbers to create a date, only happening a few times each century.

The most recent before 11/13/15 was 09/11/13.

While most people are not phased by "Odd Day" the man behind thinks it's exciting.

He likes to make numbers fun by creating poems and puns.

His poem for 11/13/15 read:

"As Odd as it is, the 13th of November
Brings a glorious day we will always remember
This won't happen again for 90 long years
Look!!---3 odds in a row---enjoy 'em and cheers!!"

The next "Odd Day" will be January 3, 2105 or 01/03/05 so enjoy today while you can!

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