Two people were arrested following a high-speed chase on I-93 on Wednesday morning.
Massachusetts State Police said Lawrence Police attempted to stop a Jeep Cherokee at 10 a.m. to further an ongoing investigation.
The driver refused to stop and fled, continuing onto I-495 south.
State police joined the pursuit as the vehicle continued onto I-93 south and then onto Route 38 in Woburn.
"I saw him almost hit the tractor trailer in front of him and then the cop went after him," said Massimo Cracchiolo, who witnessed the pursuit and captured it on video.
State police say the passenger in the Jeep, 20-year-old Odain Mark of Hyde Park, bailed out of the car on Ward Street in Woburn and took off on foot, ending up inside the Woburn Racquet Club.
"He walked in and he had a cell phone and he asked me what the name of the place was, where am I and I said you're at the Woburn Racquet Club and I had assumed he had broken down or something," said Woburn Racquet Club Desk Manager Jodie Ferioli.
Massive Police Search in Woburn, Mass.
Ferioli says Mark asked to use the bathroom.
"My manager called, he was down the street and he said, they're looking for a kid just so you know and I said 'oh my God he's here,'" said Ferioli.
Woburn Racquet Club owner Richard Cooney said, "So I told her to just sit tight, stay calm and I flagged down a state trooper, gave him the address and they came here and made the arrest."
Tennis players huddled together on the courts as police came in guns drawn.
"It was scary, it was scary," said Amy Jaromin of Andover.
"We were holding onto each other for dear life," added Lisa Jackson of North Andover.
The driver of the Jeep, 23-year-old Keith Jones of Boston, drove to Wilmington where he tried to ditch the car at Shawsheen Elementary School, but was arrested in the parking lot as the school was briefly locked down.

"We have never seen things like this my five years living here," said witness Fred Lefang.
"That's scary when you live here, when you've got grandkids and families and everybody," said another witness, named Debbie.