Google's ‘Helpouts' Goes Live: An Insight on the New Program

(NECN) - Google has launched a new program designed to give users help when they need it.

“Google Helpouts” looks to match those who need services with those who want to provide them, hooking up a person dealing with a problem like a leaky pipe or computer issue with someone who can help in real time

Jamison Cush, chief editor of joined us with more on the new program.

“I wouldn’t bet against Google, but there are a lot of challenges with this,” said Cush.

He said video chat is still an imperfect technology and that Google is asking for much with wanting a large variety of experts for the service.

He said people have to be invited to be an expert, but people can also apply.

He bring up the question of quality control and says it will be tough for Google to know if a person knows enough to be considered an expert, but that they are very secretive about the program.

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