Mitt Romney Returns to New Hampshire to Campaign for Scott Brown

Former GOP presidential hopeful says there's a "big ravine" between U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen's acts in the Granite State and in Washington

Scott Brown supporters say Mitt Romney puts credibility and clout behind Brown's candidacy, especially as Romney's star has risen in recent months, as Republicans have increasingly look to Romney as a party leader and even as a candidate again in 2016.

The owner of the Gilchrist Metal Fabricating and Hudson Vermont introduced Romney as "the man we all wish were president right now."

Romney is not on the ballot this election cycle, but there are plenty of people who hope he is back on the presidential ballot in 2016. One poll in Iowa shows Romney as the only Republican who would beat Hillary Clinton.

But Romney is tamping down that draft movement and putting his energy into getting Republicans elected in next month's midterm election by attacking the Democratic opponents.

Romney said Obama had told one truth: that while he is not on the ballot, his policies are - and Romney said since Jeanne Shaheen supports Obama 99 percent of the time, she is to blame for those failed policies as well.

Romney described Scott Brown as someone he knows well, as an independent thinker who would vote with New Hampshire's best interest in mind. He spoke for just five minutes before turning it over to Gail Huff, Brown's wife, who pushed back against one of Shaheen's loudest attacks, that Brown supports policies hurtful to women.

Huff said that her husband loved women, that he would protect them in Washington and that he comes from a household of three strong loud women.

Brown says in the Senate he would vote very differently than Sen. Shaheen on issues such as securing borders, on the Keystone pipeline and on energy taxes.

Small business owner Mike St. Laurent said he supports Brown because he'd like to see new blood in Washington. He says the current administration has hurt his business. The latest poll in New Hampshire gives Scott Brown a 1 point lead over Jeanne Shaheen, though both campaigns admit that the race is locked in a tie.  

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