(NECN) - Cape Wind was in the news again with the announcement of a major financing boost from overseas.
The launch date is now set for 2015, but can it be kept?
Jim Gordon, CEO of Cape Wind, says the sustainable energy company has signed all contracts to build and are "moving forward" with financing stages the project. He says banks and pension funds have also invested in the company, along with a $60 million commitment from the Danish Credit Export Agency.
Billionaire Bill Koch, known for funding conservative causes with his brother, is funding opposition to the Cape Wind project.
Gordon says the project is the right thing for Massachusetts and the country.
"We have a tremendous opportunity to tap a clean, new energy source, off-shore wind, and it can go to really solving a number of challenges we face in terms of energy independence, climate change, new jobs and new industry," Gordon says. "Why shouldn't Massachusetts take control over its own energy destiny and tap a resource that we have in abundance to produce our own energy?"
Many critics of the project are concerned about Cape Wind's visual impact. Gordon says not only is beauty in the eye of the beholder, but current plans for the project wouldn't have much of an impact on Nantucket's natural beauty.
"For those that don't like off-shore wind farms, they're going to see about a quarter to a half inch off the horizon. It's got to be a clear day to see it, but look, it's really important when we have our health, environment, climate at stake to move forward with clean, renewable energy," Gordon says.