Vice President Joe Biden highlighted the Obama administration's push for stricter enforcement of policies protecting women from assault on college campuses this week.
On Thursday, the U.S. Education Department released the names of 55 institutions of higher learning across the nation, including eight in New England, facing federal investigation for the way they handle sexual abuse allegations by their students.
Attorney Wendy Murphy, who has been an activist raising awareness about sexual assault, says it's important for leaders such as the vice president to speak out.
"I think a lot of people were shocked today to see schools like Harvard on the list," she said.
Murphy says about 1 million women will be sexually assaulted while at college.
"If you go to college, you're more likely sexually assaulted and you're even more likely, if you go to college than if you go in the military," she said. "In other words, you're safer going to the hyper-masculine environment of the military and you get better justice in the military, you get better justice in the real world. Think how crazy that is."
Murphy says colleges are more concerned with avoiding scandals than they are with safety.
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