(NECN) - Sen. Dan Wolf of Harwich, Mass. took an unusual route to politics.
He is the founder and CEO of Cape Air, as well as a pilot.
Currently in his second term as a state senator, he is at the center of a House-Senate conflict over raising the minimum wage.
Sen. Wolf joined Jim Braude on Broadside to discuss the push for a hike.
"I think there is consensus in the State House, and I'm very optimistic we're heading for a solution," said Wolf. "There are 94,000 people in Massachusetts right now at minimum wage, so I really want to stay focused on resolving this and collaborating."
Additionally, Sen. Wolf weighed in on the resignation of embattled Massachusetts Department of Children and Families Commissioner Olga Roche.
"I think in government, it's continually a challenge to prove and to demonstrate that we hold people accountable," he said of Gov. Deval Patrick accepting Roche's resignation. "I think it's really important."
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