City Streets Remain Frozen Days After Blizzard

(NECN: Brad Puffer, Cambridge, Mass.) - It may have been five days ago that Mother Nature walloped New England with a classic blizzard.  But the cold weather that followed means the snow has stayed around, some city side streets still frozen solid.   

Now residents are bracing for more snow, ice and rain that can only make getting around even trickier.

The condition of this street in Cambridge, Massachusetts is one reason Bethany Renner has avoided driving in recent days. But as someone who is eight months pregnant, the sidewalks in her neighborhood are an even bigger concern.

"I think everyone has to pitch in and some of the sidewalks are not as clear as we would like" said Renner.

Massachusetts law requires that homeowners and residents keep these sidewalks clear.  Those who don't could be held liable.  But there are still many examples where the job hasn't been done.

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