Early Snowfall Estimate Shows Half a Foot for Some

With continuing coverage of the horrific events in Newtown, Connecticut, on NECN Friday evening, you're seeing the first of the snowfall accumulation forecast here online.  Typically, outside of 24-30 hours I don't issue exact accumulations unless confidence is high - in this case, confidence is moderate, but where we're heading into the weekend, it seemed helpful to put out an early estimate to give an indication of what's expected from Sunday afternoon (after lunchtime) through Monday evening.  In Southern New England, the snow comes as a burst Sunday afternoon and evening (and should melt away thereafter for some), then changes to a mix and, for many, to rain, as warmth moves inland and north from the Atlantic Ocean.  Central New England will find snow changing to a wintry mix, and the farther north one is, the greater the snow accumulation is likely to be.

It's also worth noting that additional snow with a new storm center IS anticipated, especially in Northern New England, Monday night into Tuesday.

FRIDAY EVENING UPDATE: It is possible Northern New England sees very little from the initial burst Sunday evening through Monday...but the second storm center Monday night to Tuesday morning would deliver a more substantial burst, so I do expect the Northern New England numbers to verify...it's just an interesting question of whether they come with the first round..or more likely...the second.  As we get closer to the event, that will become more clear..

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