High Tide Batters Plum Island, Mass.

(NECN: Alysha Palumbo, Plum Island, Mass.) - The owner of 43 Annapolis way is obviously very frustrated that he couldn't have done more to save his home Friday.

The house has been teetering on the edge since the morning's high tide, but the waves of the evening's high tide continue to crash against the leaning walls and onto its tipped porch.

Waves take debris and household items out to sea.

The home, and another two doors down, are already slated to be demolished. The same may be the case for more. A dozen homes in total cannot be occupied.

Homes that are older, like the teetering house, are much more succeptible to erosion than newer homes constructed with steel and barricaded by concrete.

NECN reporter Alysha Palumbo has more.

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