January 10, 2014 4:47 am

Hillary Clinton cuts a rug in Kenya

(NECN/APTN: Nairobi, Kenya) – Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Saturday returned to a housing project in South Africa that she had visited when her husband was president, as part of an 11 day tour of the continent. During her tour, Clinton has been keen to suggest that U.S.-South African ties were strengthening after years of strain. On Wednesday, Clinton was in Kenya, the first country on her tour. There she joined in enthusiastically with dancers at a gala dinner at a local restaurant in the capital Nairobi. As the band began to play, Kenyan minister of trade, Amos Kimunya, invited guests to dance, and Clinton was among those who took to the floor. Clinton can be seen tapping her feet and dancing with a group of locals. Footage of her dancing, on the last night of her visit to Kenya, became an internet hit. Material courtesy of APTN.

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