City: No Health Code Violations Found at Diner Where Owner Yelled at Toddler

The city had received complaints after an encounter between the owner and a customer went viral

Inspectors for the City of Portland, Maine, say they have found no evidence of any health code violations at Marcy's Diner.

According to the Portland Press Herald, the city had received complaints that diner employees had threatened to rub food against their bodies or spit in the food of patrons who brought kids. But inspectors found no evidence of such behavior.

The corner diner was thrust into the national spotlight last month after its owner, Darla Neugebauer, yelled at a 21-month-old child and told her to be quiet. Neugebauer said the child had been crying for 40 minutes and she had had enough.

The child's mother, Tara Carson, admitted that her daughter was fussy, but said she was not having a meltdown. She posted a complaint on the diner's Facebook page and Neugebauer responded and called the child "a beast" and used foul language. The whole encounter wound up going viral.

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