
Iconic Maine Business Celebrating 150th Anniversary

Driving in to Portland, Maine, you can’t help but see it and smell it: the big B&M baked bean plant is iconic, and celebrating a major milestone this year.

Driving in to Portland, Maine, you can’t help but see it and smell it: the big B&M baked bean plant is iconic, and celebrating a major milestone this year.

“One hundred and fifty years, it’s something to be proud of,” said plant supervisor David Rickett.

While the business is celebrating 150 years, the Portland plant has been around since 1912.

Some parts of the production haven’t changed much. The beans are still baked in brick ovens, and they’re cooked in 900-pound cast iron kettles.

“We’re baking the same way we used to bake, back in the day,” said Rickett. “Why change what’s working?”

The faces of the employees have also stayed consistent throughout the years: Tom Coreau is about to celebrate his 50-year work anniversary.

“You have to care about the product to stay here,” said Coreau.

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