January 10, 2014 4:18 am

Maine brothers now known as “American Loggers”

(NECN: Marnie MacLean, Millinocket, Maine) – When you spend most of your life working in the woods of northern Maine the idea of becoming a reality TV star is about as remote as the logging roads you travel. But, the seven brothers of the Pelletier family in Millinocket are now known across the country as the “American Loggers”. There’s Rudy, a co-owner of the company, Danny, the utility player, and Eldon, the oldest. They are just a few of the Pelletier family members now known across the country as “American Loggers” The show began airing on the Discovery channel last winter. It takes viewers into Maine’s north woods…where three generations of Pelletier’s have worked cutting down trees and hauling them to the mills. For the family, it’s a way of life–but producers saw a compelling reality show– big, dangerous machines massive logging trucks barreling down the road, and seven brothers trying to keep the business their father started thriving. Rudy Pelletier: “People don’t realize what we do, it’s easy to go to Home Depot and buy a 2 by 4, people don’t realize where it comes from..they just buy it” In the end, it was the desire to educate people about what they do…and how they do it that convinced the brothers to open up their lives to cameras. They were clear about how it would work. Rudy: “If you want to hang around and do some filming it’s going to be the way we do it, not actors…it’s our everyday job” Initially, Discovery wanted just six episodes–but now that American Loggers has proven to be a hit–filming is underway for season two. Not everyone loves the attention. But there’s one Pelletier employee who has a strong rapport with both a chain saw and a camera. Brian Nutting..a.k.a., Bonecrusher, is a fan favorite—he has no fear on the roads—and no sympathy for animals who wander into his path. Bonecrusher: “This moose come blistering out of the woods, I hit on the brakes. You ain’t stopping on a dime…probably wasn’t ten feet in front of me….” The story goes on from there–for awhile–but ends badly for the moose, which is how, by the way, Brian got that nickname Bonecrusher. The Pelletier family isn’t making much money from the show, but it is paying off in publicity. Danny Pelletier: “Everyone from here to California is watching this show Discovery put on, a lot of positive things” One of those positive things is more exposure for Millinocket–the small town where the Pelletier’s live and work. It’s a mill town–but with paper mills laying off employees–more and more businesses are closing down. When a favorite restaurant shut its doors, the Pelletier’s decided it was an opportunity to try a new business–and hopefully help their community. The new American Logger bar and grill is set to open late fall. Eldon: “We have people walking by every day asking if we have applications out there” The restaurant will provide jobs, and the show is the advertising both the family and the town hope will lure people to the area. Not only to eat…but hopefully to stay, and play…and spend money. The Pelletier’s admit, they don’t know a lot about running a restaurant, but if they can handle 1200 acres of Maine’s north woods…chances are, they’ll be able to make a burger. Probably best to keep Bonecrusher out of the kitchen.

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