Unseasonable Cold Impacting Businesses

The unseasonably cold weather in New England is taking its toll on businesses, especially in vacation destinations.

New England experiences some of the coldest June days on record and in New Hampshire the unseasonably cold weather is taking its toll on businesses, especially in vacation destinations.

For the past 24 summers on Hampton Beach, Eddie Bishop has manned the frialator at Hampton Fried Dough.

"This is my stand right here," he said after unlocking the doors.

Bishop says it's not often he's closed on a June afternoon, but says on Monday and Tuesday, it would've cost him money to open.
"There's no point, there is nobody here I can't run that frialator for nothing," the 80-year-old said.

It was eerily quiet inside the boardwalk shops Tuesday and outside it looked like the off season. Temperatures barely reached 50 degrees, and there were very few people on the beach.

Diane and Terry Wade came to the beach just to watch the waves.

"We walk the beach in the winter too," said Diane Wade.

All of the boardwalk vendors are typically doing business seven days a week this time of year, but Tuesday, Fara Nazari was the only one open and she tells NECN she was just there to organize her store.

"Get it ready for tomorrow," Nazari said.

The Sea Ketch Restaurant, a Hampton Beach staple, was open for lunch and dinner despite only a few customers.

"On days like today we clean and clean and clean more," explained employee Kevin Brown.

He's been working at the restaurant for nearly three decades.

When asked if he could remember a June quite this cold, he said, "I don't, no, probably not in my tenure."

But what's still fresh in his mind: WINTER.

And the images of Hampton Beach in February keep everything in perspective.

"We had a lot of snow just a couple months ago, now things are a lot better," Brown said.

As for Eddie, he's taking advantage of the night off.

"I got a date tonight anyway," he said.

Because he says once the sun comes out Wednesday, it's all hands on deck at Hampton Fried Dough.

"Saturday I was here until like 11 o'clockat night," Bishop said. "I'm a tough sucker."

By the end of the day Wednesday, the wind was calming down and residents were looking forward to a sunnier forecast for the weekend. 

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