January 10, 2014 3:16 am

Nanny Yvonne answers your questions

(NECN) – With school back in session, we have been receiving your e-mails with parenting questions for Nanny Yvonne Finnerty of the television show Nanny 911. Her answers can be found in the video player above. If you have a question for Nanny Yvonne, e-mail her at NannyYvonne@www.necn.com. I am getting really worried now the kids are back at school and flu season is around the corner. I am especially concerned about the Swine flu, what is the best way to avoid getting any flu? Well you should be cautious but not paranoid, but I think that the hype over the H1N1 flu is a little out of proportion, kind of like the weathermen forecasting the first snow of the winter! One of the most important things as a parent you can do is make sure you have adequate childcare coverage if your child gets sick! He/she will not be allowed to be in school so make sure you are covered. The easiest answer should be, have a flu shot early on in the season but that wouldn’t have helped with the latest strain of the virus. You will have to get another for the H1N1 virus. Adults are generally contagious 1 -2 days before they get sick and up to five days after. In children, however, they can carry the virus 6 days before and up to 10 days after. Don’t confuse a common cold for the flu although you can take the same basic steps to avoid both. The simplest thing to do is wash your hands with soap and water and use hand sanitizers! You can get pocket size one’s from any drug store. Encourage children to sneeze into their elbow rather than out loud if a tissue isn’t available. The most common way to catch the flu is from coughs and sneezes! Disinfect toys, door knobs etc and use paper towels that you can easily dispose of. If symptoms get worse, way above average temperature or don’t seem to go away consult your doctor but bear in mind the flu can knock you out for up to two weeks! I have a three year old daughter who is such a sweet enthusiastic girl but in the blink of an eye she is flopping on the floor screaming at the top of her lungs. My husband believes in spanking and loses his temper. I have spanked her a few times but she doesn’t seem to listen…. – Annie E. What would you do if every time you try to express yourself you got a spanking? Stop it now; you are lucky someone hasn’t reported you! What are you teaching her by losing control of yourself and spanking her harder? Think about it??? You need to keep in control and tell her that behavior is not acceptable but you can’t do that if yours is not either, practice what you preach. If you cannot control yourself then remove yourself from the situation until you have calmed down. You are the parent and therefore should be the one who is teaching your daughter how to respond to simple requests and rules. Use your intelligence to discipline instead of getting physical, if you cannot then you need some parenting classes along with your husband! I have a 9 week old who seems to suffer from colic.. How long will it last? Is gripe water safe? what are other remedies? Colic can last up to four months, ask the pediatrician if he/she recommends a prescription for your baby. As a nanny I have gone through this quite often, I was brought up with Gripe water but I would check with your Doctor, as so many things that were acceptable are not now! Try elevating the crib at one end where the babies head is, this helps with reflux! Good luck the end is nigh! My infant started off eating everything I put in front of him, including all types of vegetables. He is now 2.5 year and is very picky and hardly eats any vegetables. How do I make sure he gets the proper nutrition he needs? Change the texture! If he was eating finger size portions of carrots, broccoli etc. try cooking them thoroughly, putting them together and mashing them with potato. I make these for the little boy I look after and either bake them or fry them! He doesn’t even know he is eating spinach and loves it! Don’t be afraid to add a little seasoning, nothing worse than bland vegetables!

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