325 Plows on Boston's Roads During Snowstorm

Mayor Menino urges residents to take advantage of public transportation

(NECN: Kathryn Sotnik, Boston) - Boston Mayor Tom Menino is urging people in Boston to take public transportation and not drive so that the plows can come out and do their jobs.

According to the outgoing mayor, the city has 325 trucks on the roads Saturday night to plow. Additionally, Menino asks residents to shovel your sidewalks and fire hydrants.

"I'm going to go to a few pubs - no ... I can do anything I want now, right? I'm unplugged," said Menino when asked by NECN what his plans were Saturday night. "Seriously, I'm going to have a quiet night tonight."

Mayor Menino asks that anyone with questions in Boston call his hotline, at (617) 635-4500.

Information for weather emergencies and power outages, as well as other resources, can be found here.

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