Activists Rally in Boston Against Immigration Law

(NECN: Kenneth Craig, Boston, Mass.) - Activists rallied in Boston on Saturday, protesting Arizona's controversial immigration law.

Immigration reform is also being discussed in Massachusetts; this week the state Senate passed an amendment that would block illegal immigrants from accessing state public benefits.

"Plain and simply, if you are here illegally, we're going to do everything we can to prevent you from getting benefits that legal citizens and others who are here legally are entitled to," said Sen. Bruce Tarr, a Gloucester Republican who voted yes.

When ralliers first organized Saturday's event, they came with strong words for Arizona. When they got word of what the Massachusetts Senate was doing, their message became twofold.

The bill will be debated in conference committee before even reaching the governor's desk. Gov. Deval Patrick has said he has not had a chance to review the entire amendment, and that a number of these requirements may already be in place.

All of this comes during an election year, bringing increased attention to an already heated national immigration debate.

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