Baby, It's (still) Cold Outside

The weather is raising concern for New England farmers

(NECN: Leslie Gaydos, North Andover, Mass.) - The weather is raising some concern for farmers in New England, as the temperature swing could mean serious problems down the road.

NECN Reporter Leslie Gaydos spoke with Micahael Smolak, Owner of Smolak Farms in North Andover, Mass. to find out how the farming season is going right now.

As he explained, Michael is most concerned about his plum trees. The trees have already started to bloom, and their stage of development indicates how at risk the crops will be.

Michael is a presidential-appointed State Committee Member for the USDA's Farm Service Agency. His panel determines disaster back-up plans for farmers. If, worst case scenario, a farmer's crop is destroyed this panel will be able to help them retrieve at least some of the crops lost.

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