Breast Cancer Rehab: Life After the Battle

Special rehab center helps cancer patients and their families

(NECN) - October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and one doctor and breast cancer survivor is sharing her story, and efforts to help cancer patients.

As Dr. Julie Silver recovered with the help breast cancer treatments, she often found herself too sick to care for her three young children or get back to work.

On a mission to make rehabilitation a standard part of cancer care, Dr. Silver founded Oncology Rehab Partners and created the STAR Program Certification - a unique cancer rehab certification for clinicians and providers to help hospitals and rehab centers tailor rehab programs to cancer patients.

The STAR program's goal is to teach doctors how rehab can help cancer patients and to teach rehab professionals about the unique needs of cancer survivors.

After training, Oncology Rehab Partners helps health care providers create systems for referring, evaluating and rehabilitating cancer survivors.

Dr. Silver wrote "Chicken Soup for the Soul: Hope and Healing for Your Breast Cancer Journey". Learn more about her here.

The STAR program continues to help cancer patients and their families. Learn more about the program here.

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