Camden, Maine Offers Free Land in Return for Jobs

(NECN: Amy Sinclair) -  Camden, Maine has never had a problem attracting tourists, but getting year-round businesses to set up shop is more of a challenge

Now, the mid-coast community has come up with an intriguing incentive, that they hope will be too good for companies to pass up.

If you're looking for scenic beauty and Main Street charm, its pretty tough to beat Camden, Maine.

But with nearly a fourth of people under the age of 34 leaving the area in search of better paying jobs, locals worry about their town's future.

The town has spent a million bucks cleaning up this three and a half-acre industrial site along the Megunticook River.

It would be listed for at least 200,000 dollars, but instead of selling it to the highest bidder, the town is proposing a swap, free land in return for jobs.

Of course, like any great deal you have to read the fine print. The business they choose must provide full time year round positions and they have to pay above the county average, a pay and benefit package that amounts to at least 45 thousand a year.

The town's economic development team hopes businesses will click on their  "Free land in Maine" website and come up for a look around.

Once companies learn about their great schools, low crime rate and available work force, the town figures it's just a matter of time until this commercial site is open for business.

To learn more about Camden's land for jobs proposal, you can visit their website. Just go to

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