Facebook Announces New Phone

The HTC First will be sold through AT&T for a hundred dollars starting Apr. 12

(NECN) - Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, confirmed Thursday, Facebook will partner with HTC Corporation to build a Facebook phone

The phone will integrate a new Facebook app into its android operating system, named 'Facebook home'.

"The home screen is really the soul of your phone,” said Zuckerberg. “You look at it about a hundred times a day. It sets the tone for your whole experience. And we think that it should be deeply personal. It's a family of apps and you can install it and it becomes the home of your phone, so we're calling this 'Home'.”

On Apr. 12 the 'Facebook Home' app will be available for download and installation for certain models of android phones.

The new Facebook phone called 'HTC First' will also be available then, for about a hundred dollars each, sold exclusively at AT&T.
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