Food Truck Fight Heating Up in Worcester, Mass.

There’s a new push to change old ordinance limiting number of food trucks in city, but some local restaurant owners say the ordinance is fine

(NECN: Katelyn Tivnan) - There's a fight heating up in Worcester, Mass. over food trucks. There's a new push to change an old ordinance that limits the number of food trucks in the city but some local restaurant owners say the ordinance it's fine just the way it is.

“A restaurant that is well run and focused on what they are doing has nothing to fear from a food truck,” says Ted Domville, the owner of frozen yogurt spot Wooberry.

He’s one business owner who isn't opposed to seeing more food trucks on the streets of Worcester. The city is considering easing regulations on the roaming restaurants.

“There are a lot of cities big and small that have a vibrant food truck community and I think fear comes from a lack of experience with how they would operate and what they would do in the cities.”

Domville is one of many restaurant owners to weigh in on the subject at a subcommittee meeting Wednesday.

The topic is even bringing television personality Dave Adleman from the Phantom Gourmet to speak out.

Those against it raise concerns over cleanliness, codes and unfair competition.

“We're looking for an even playing field,” says John Piccolo. “If I want to set up a truck somewhere, should comply with all that.”

Domville is in a unique position, running his Highland Street shop as well as a frozen yogurt truck. He thinks businesses should look at trucks as compliments not competition, and says food trucks can cater to specific demographics like college students who don't have convenient transportation to many of the city's restaurants.

“I've gone to some events a couple blocks from the store and unlocked sales I wouldn't have gotten at the store because of the type of people we went to,” he says.

“They need to; I've lived in Boston, New York and Springfield and it's way better you are walking and can get hungry and grab something from a truck,” says Dimitrius Coates, who supports food trucks.

The committee is taking the comments into consideration and will be reviewing food truck regulations in other cities for comparison.

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