Golfers Getting Head Start on Game, Thanks to Warm Weather

Higher than normal temperatures have pushed up opening day at some golf courses, like Green Hill Golf Course in Worcester, Mass.

(NECN: Katelyn Tivnan, Worcester, Mass.) - Golfers are getting a head start on their game this year thanks to the warm weather. Higher than normal temperatures have pushed up opening day at Green Hill Golf Course in Worcester, Mass.

“This is the coldest place on earth right here, actually second hole and for it to be this warm in February it's great,” said golfer Ronnie Pahigian.

Matthew Moison is the head golf pro at the course and said opening in February is unusual. Golf is a weather driven business, he said, and Mother Nature calls the shots.

“Always mid-April. That's been creeping up earlier and earlier each year. Last year it was mid-March. This year it's Ash Wednesday.”

In 15 seasons working at the course, Moison said this is the earliest he has seen it open. He said the opening has golfers in the area excited and ready for the season to start.

“A lot of our regulars are coming up saying hello, dusting off their clubs saying, ‘are you really open? Really? We got an email.’”

Despite the warm weather there is one place in Worcester where people are heading for a little bit of snow and a whole lot of ice: the parking lot at the Buffone Arena is surrounded by piles of snow.

Inside the rink, dozens of families are taking advantage of the colder temperatures.

“No snow outside. Not cold enough for outside rink so we're inside,” said John Tremba.

Nick Pennucci manages the Buffone Arena. He said the mild winter has led to a big spike in skaters at the rink

“People are coming indoors because they can't skate outside, because they don't have an opportunity to skate in their backyard or at an outdoor rink,” he said.

Alice tremba said she would rather be skating outside but her reason for skating indoors this year is much different than last year.

“There was too much snow last year,” said Tremba, “so we couldn't make an ice skating rink.”

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