High Tide Drenches Roads in Winthrop, Mass.

After snow, rain and wind died down on a stormy Sunday, huge waves continued to thrash

(NECN: Katelyn Tivnan, Winthrop, Mass.) - Curt Wood has a front row seat when it comes to storm watching.

His Winthrop, Mass. home faces the ocean, and during storms like Sunday's, he says he enjoys seeing Mother Nature at work.

"This house has been here since 1905, and this house still rocks," said Wood. "So when you're in here, you can feel the waves hitting the wall, it's pretty awesome."

Because of the high tide, a strip of road lining the beach is getting soaked by waves, leaving puddles and debris behind.

Wood says they take a few minor steps to prepare when they know thigh tide will be like this.

"We make sure our cars are out of the way," said Wood. "Just kind of prepare."

"I couldn't sleep," "I live right here, the waves were hitting the walls, the wind was pelting the windows," said Andrew Stefantsine. "It was crazy, but as far as snow, it's not too bad."

Stefantsine has lived on the street for 13 years. He says though it can be jarring, you get used to it.

The huge waves drew a handful of spectators throughout the day checking out the scene. Some planned to do a little more than just watch, like one man who plans to grab his surfboard and surf later.

"I've lived here my whole life," he said "This is a dud."

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