Mixed Reaction to Governor's Tax Plan in Worcester, Mass.

There are mixed feelings to the proposal to raise income taxes, but cut sales tax

(NECN: Katelyn Tivnan, Worcester, Mass.) - “It’s no small thing to ask people to pay more.”

In his state of the state address Wednesday, Gov. Deval Patrick has proposed to raising the state income tax.

He wants to increase the rate from 5.25 percent to 6.25 percent.

The goal is to fund improvements in education.

 “We have great private institutions and if we could support our public institutions that would be great, particularly community colleges,” said Jennie Savage.

On Thursday, people heading in and out of the Worcester Public Library had a lot to say about it, including Savage, who says she supports the tax hike.

She also supports Patrick’s proposal to lower the state sales tax to 4.5 percent, with all revenue dedicated to improvements in transportation.

“You need to pay for the things you want,” Savage said. “You pay for them personally so why not pay for things that are for the public good.”

Jenny Butler is against the tax hike.

“I don’t think we can afford anymore, being a middle class person it's too much, nothing personal it’s just too much,” Butler said, adding that transportation costs have already taken their toll.

“But we've paid so much into transportation, where did all that money go? Where has it all gone?” Butler asked.

“They have to cut spending a lot of spending so we can survive,” said Ray Duda, who is against the tax hike.

A senior on fixed income, Duda says the increase would have a negative impact on his wallet.

Meawhile, Savage says it comes down to paying it forward.

“I’ve always supported higher taxes,” Savage said. “I think we need that to have a well-functioning society.”

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