Plymouth, Mass. Residents Prepared for Blizzard Conditions

(NECN: Alysha Palumbo, Plymouth, Mass.) - Plows made pass after pass Tuesday evening, scraping the snow on Plymouth’s 400 miles of roadways, as wind-whipped weather made for dangerous driving near the Massachusetts coast.

"You’ve got to watch out for people because a lot of times people don’t know how to drive in the snow, you’ve got to go really super slow and follow not too close behind others," Jill Daley Katz said.

But even with treacherous conditions and traffic backups, most people took the storm in stride.

Drew Sorensen said, "We’re in New England, you know, we have a motto in our house, what’s the motto Dominic, no such thing as bad weather, just what?"

"Just bad gear," said Dominic.

Drew echoed, "Just bad gear, so if you’re well prepared, you can deal with anything.”

Some people took that motto to heart.

Crossing Guard Marsha Tatalias said, “One, two, three, four, five layers.”

Others were not as well-prepared.

“Really, a t-shirt in this weather?” I asked of a "stoic" maitre'd wearing a Bruins t-shirt outside Ali's Roast Beef.

Well I guess you can dream of warmer weather!

Lauren Pine of Mama Mia’s Restaurant said, “I booked my flights last week to Ft. Lauderdale, I’ll see it in about eight weeks.”

And some were just glad to know this storm means another snow day.

Eight-year-old Faith Studholme said, “It’s wonderful!”

“It’s delightful," said nine-year-old Gwini Amonte.

“I’m kind of liking it, it means I’m not commuting to Boston tomorrow and I’m okay with that,” said Susan Lindsay of Plymouth.

I asked two-year-old chocolate lab Fonzi, “Do you love the snow?"

He replied, "Roof” (I think that's a yes!)

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