Program Uses Physical Therapy to Improve Golfers Game

Program entails a physical therapy assessment followed by two sessions with a golf professional

(NECN/NBC News: Benita Zahn) - There's a new way to help improve your golf game based on programs used by the pros. The goal is to evaluate your flexibility, improve your strength and groove your swing.

Physical therapist Jay Peacock is the first stop in a program about to get off the ground. Frank Ciarlo from pulled together the components that golf pros use and fashioned it so regular duffers could avail themselves of the services.

The physical therapy assessment is followed by two sessions with a golf pro who'll evaluate your swing and then a 45 day fitness program tailored to your needs.

"We hear the tales that people don't want to workout cause they're afraid it's gonna screw up their golf swing. So now we're gonna take that excuse away and say you want to improve your swing, here's a way to do it," says Frank.

"There's so many people out there that deal with back pain every day playing golf, neck pain. So if we can find the things that lead to, that cause that stuff and try to counteract them, then good things occur both in golf and in life," says Jay.

Jay's evaluation takes half an hour - determining what, if any structural or muscular problems a person may have that needs attention.

As Jay points out, even if you don't take part in the new program, an evaluation is a good idea before dusting off any sporting goods after the long, and possibly, sedentary winter.

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