Sen. Brown Tours Western Mass. for Tornado Anniversary

After 1 year, the recovery process continues for many residents

(NECN: Eileen Curran, Springfield, Mass.) - Friday, June 1 marks the one-year anniversary of deadly tornadoes hitting central and western Massachusetts. For many residents, the recovery process is ongoing.

Senator Scott Brown (R) toured one of the most severely damaged areas: Springfield, Mass.

There are many new homes in the area.

Senator Brown commended residents and officials of the city, but said more work needs to be done in the area, particularly when it comes to funding for repairs.

Tornado victims would certainly agree, after living through some of the most difficult months of their lives.

"It came right between those two houses," Jay McLaughlin said.

Last June's tornado ripped through the McLaughlin's Springfield neighborhood, severely damaging some homes, while leaving others untouched.

The nine trees that surround McLaughlin's home dropped down like bombs.

Many homeowners had their homes rebuilt or repaired, while others chose to leave the area.

McLaughlin says it's been a tough year.

"It was a crash-course in homeowner's insurance, and house inspectors, and contractors and everybody's got a story, everybody's had a hardship," McLaughlin said.

As he emerges from a very long year, McLaughlin still manages to see a silver lining.

"Neighbors, local groups, the churches, boy scouts and girl scouts, and all the people who just came around with wagons full of food and water...that was the silver lining, that that kind of thing still exists," McLaughlin said.

McLaughlin also said that he has three kids in college right now. Because of the tornadoes, his family received more financial aid for the troubles.
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