Snow, Wind Pick Up on Cape Cod

Blizzard conditons expected on Cape as nor’easter strikes New England

(NECN: Kathryn Sotnik, Sandwich, Mass.) - Early Thursday night, wind-swept snow blew over the sea wall off Town Neck Beach in Sandwich, Mass.

The cold, icy sea was aggressive and rolled in fast, but the concern was for high tie at midnight and at noon on Friday.

Residents who came out kept a close eye on coastal flooding.

"I can guarantee you tomorrow morning, when we get up, the whole side of the back side of the house will just be a sheet of ice," said Les Hull. "It's very strong tonight. This is unbelievable."

Hull says it's not his first bout with a storm like this.

Thursday, the town dumped 700 cubic yards of sand on the beach, creating an emergency dune.

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