Tufts Campus Named Most Dangerous in U.S.

(NECN: Brad Puffer, Medford, Mass.) - Officials at Tufts University are taking issue with a new report that names the campus as the most dangerous in the country.

The Daily Beast cited crime statistics in its second annual school rankings report.

Tufts University students and administrators are responding to the report that lists Tufts as the most dangerous college in America. During the last three calendar years, Tufts had one murder, 36 forcible rapes, 100 robberies, 119 aggravated assaults and 174 burglaries. Just last year, one junior named Edward Testa says his roommate was mugged walking back to campus from Davis Square.

But he also says with the right precaution off-campus, such as using the Tufts bus system and not walking alone at night, the school is safe.

In a memo to all students, Tufts wrote:

"We wanted you to know that this listing is based on flawed methodology and is extremely inaccurate. Unlike some Boston area universities, Tufts has reported to the US Department of Education not only incidents that take place on our three campuses but also incidents in adjacent public property. But it may create a misperception that our campuses are less safe than they really are. Most of those off-campus incidents do not involve Tufts students, faculty or staff."

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