Woods Hole, Mass. Oceanographic Institute Willing to Aid in Search for Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet

Dave Gallo joined NECN to discuss search efforts

(NECN) - At least five planes have spotted objects of many colors floating in the Indian Ocean as crews continued their search for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet. A Chinese patrol ship in the area will attempt to locate the objects.

Dave Gallo, of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute on Cape Cod, co-lead the successful search for the missing Air France jet in 2011. His team has offered their assistance to those involved in the search for the missing Malaysian plane. He joined NECN to offer some further insight.

There's a new search zone closer to Australia's mainland. "Theoretically the water should be calmer there," said Gallo.

According to Gallo, it takes three things to carry out a successful underwater search. The right technology, the right team, and the right game plan. "We do this routinely at Woods Hole," said Gallo.

"The plane can be found. It's just a matter of time," added Gallo.

The Woods Hole team is not part of the search at this time. They are ready to join in if they get a call asking for help.

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